10 Insane Workouts to Have Your Beach Body Ready in No Time ...


10 Insane Workouts to Have Your Beach Body Ready in No Time  ...
10 Insane Workouts to Have Your Beach Body Ready in No Time  ...

As summer draws near you may find yourself getting anxious to get in shape so you get fit in your favorite bikini. And aside from fitting in your sexy swimwear you want to have the fit body to look amazing in it. Who doesn’t? But to look your best you have to work for it by exercising with insane workouts that produce amazing results. And since nothing worth it in life comes easy, be ready to push your body to the max while of course making healthy eating choices. Ready to get started? Perfect; check out these insane workouts that totally work!

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Blend up your fitness routine with a super challenging routine from Fitness Blender. This workout provides you short intense cardio spurts followed by a rest. Continue this workout and push your body to a whole new level. You will finish your workout feeling sweaty and super satisfied.



The name of this workout truly says it all. Insanity truly is an insane workout that challenges you with cardio and strength in a super creative way. Never grow bored or stuck in a plateau again because this workout brought to you by Shaun T is amazing. I have worked out with Shaun T in person and even as a 30 time marathoner, I was so challenged! And this will most definitely help you to get in shape for summer, so get to it starting today!


Cardio Blast

Blast fat and get fit in no time with Fitness Blender’s cardio blast. I feel like this workout is my daily life because I am always all about the cardio workout. Cardio will help you to burn fat and combining this with some strength moves will boost your metabolism and get in svelte shape for summer. And cardio is also always a great way to burn off the daily stress of life.


Circuit Training

Circuit and interval training is optimal for fat loss as it helps to turn your body into a fat burning machine. This workout is great for all fitness levels so do not be intimidated and go at your pace. As a bootcamp instructor and certified trainer I have helped slim down countless bodies with circuit training and this can totally work for you. So get to it, and get in shape for summer!


No Running Workout

Not into running but looking to burn a ton of calories? Okay, well problem solved with this awesome workout with a lot of pep. In just 20 minutes you can tone and get in the total fitness zone as you whittle your body to perfection for summer. Be ready to work it and see amazing results!

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For power, speed and a banging hot body, plyometrics are your definite go-to work out. These workouts will help to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle and even target your core. So say goodbye to your belly and get in summer shape while detoxing with this incredible plyometric workout!



Get ripped in just 30 minutes a day with extreme P90X30 led by founder and fitness phenom, Tony Horton. This workout is absolutely amazing because of the diversity, challenges and incredible fun you have doing this routine. And all you just have to is get in the zone, work hard and then get this workout in daily to see incredible results!


Squat and Jump

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, keeping knees behind toes, and put your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back to come into push-up position with arms straight, then bend elbows to lower your chest toward the ground. Straighten your arms as you jump forward again into squat position, then push off your feet and leap as high as you can with arms reaching toward the sky. Land softly with knees slightly bent.


Mountain Climber

Get into push-up position with arms straight and hands directly under shoulders. Walk feet forward, staggering them so your right knee is bent under your chest while your left foot is behind you with knee slightly bent. Pushing powerfully into your legs, switch your foot positions, bringing the left knee in and extending the right leg.


Toe-Touch Kick

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hands reaching overhead; intertwine your fingers. Do a high forward kick with your right leg, bringing your hands down to meet your toes. Repeat with the left leg. Continue alternating for 1 minute.

With so many great insane workouts, which one will you perform first? I personally love high intensity or tabata training, what about you? Well whatever you choose make sure you drink plenty of lemon water, have loads of fruits and veggies and kick the processed food to the curb! As a result you will be bikini fit in time!

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