7 of the Best Ways to Get in Shape Walking ...


What are the ways to get in shape walking? You want to get in shape walking because you have heard of the endless mental and physical benefits you can reap from this, or because you've seen the fit walker passing by as you were stopped in your car at a traffic light. Maybe just seeing their results made you think that you could have the same hard physique if you started walking too. Walking is a great workout that you can start anytime because of its low impact nature. But how do you get started so that you can get in better shape by walking? Here are the ways to get in shape walking:

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1. Speed Walking

Pump your arms and pick up your walking pace as you burn more calories to help you to get in better shape.  Mental and physical benefits of speed walking can not be overestimated. To lose weight, you should aim to squeeze in 45 minutes to 1 hour of walking for 4-6 days a week. This is one of the best ways to get in shape walking!

2. Walk with Mini Breaks

Every half mile in your walk, stop for a mini break and go for 40 jumping jacks, 40 squats and 15 pushups. By adding this small, higher intensity segment, you will burn more calories while adding resistance training into your walking workout! Now that is a great way to switch gears and get in better shape!

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3. Distance Walk

At least once a week you should go the distance and walk longer because you are stronger. By adding just a few more miles walking, you can take a step closer to getting in better shape. If you are up to 4 miles, add 2 miles to go the distance and you will feel so accomplished just knowing what you have achieved!

4. Hill Walking

To work your hamstrings and get in even better shape, switch up your walking route and integrate some hills. If you know of a park or nearby hiking trail, this may be just the place to challenge your body. You are only as good as your last workout, so get working!

5. Multitask While Walking

If you have some phone calls to return and are having trouble finding the time to do so, bring your phone on your walk. Okay, I'm usually against this, but if time is scarce, this may be what you have to do. So return your calls or call a long-distance friend or relative and catch up on life while walking. This is a great way to get your mind off your walk and multitask!

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6. Meditative Walk

Go for a walk and relax your body and mind. Just because you are sweating and working out does not mean you cannot relax. Walking helps you to get in shape, think clearer and just feel better. So use your next walk to release all the bad energy and create positive, happy thoughts!

7. Social Walk

Call up a friend, neighbor or grab your spouse for a social walk. If you set a regular schedule and have similar goals, why not work out in pairs? If you have limited time, this is a great way to get in shape while bonding with a friend. And if you get on a regular routine, you may just find yourself pushing each other. Now that is a great way to stay motivated to get in shape walking!

Now that you are aware of a few of the ways to get in shape walking, what are you waiting for? Get out the door and get your miles in so that you can lose weight, tone and get in the best shape of your life! We all have to find the best fitness workout for ourselves, so get working!

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I multi task all the time and end up walking more than I expected

#3- I'm up to 5 miles! Feels great!

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