7 Fitness Tips from Jennifer Aniston ...


Want some fitness tips from Jennifer Aniston? This 45 year old celebrity is more than just a pretty face, her toned body alone tells her story of being a fitness lover. Jen is often photographed by the paparazzi paddle boarding, running or on another fitness adventure. It is pretty cool when you are most often caught squeezing in fitness sessions, rather than in a scandal, like some other celebs. And the proof is in her toned arms, tight stomach and teenage looking body. So what are the fitness tips from Jennifer Aniston, a 45 year old fitness goddess that seems to have it all?

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1. Become Addicted

If you do anything 30 days, it becomes a habit and turns into an addiction, so try this with fitness. Exercise for a month and watch your body and mind fall in love with fitness. This is one of the fitness tips from Jennifer Aniston, who lives by this daily. Now it is your turn to try this too!

2. Find Fitness You Love

If you love to play tennis or ride your bike, why not skip the gym today and focus on the fitness you love? Everyday does not have to be all workouts and no play. So drive past the gym on your way home for work, head home and head out for your favorite fitness adventure. An active life is the best life worth living, with better health and more energy!

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3. Make Time for Your Workout

If Jennifer can find time for fitness in between filming or public events, so can you! Jennifer recommends that you find time for fitness and be flexible. Some days you may only have time for a 20 minute session and that is okay too, just make sure you make time for this!


Jennifer Aniston is an American actress, producer, and businesswoman who has been an inspiration for fitness for many years. She has a well-known fit physique and is known for her dedication to health and fitness. She believes that everyone can find time for fitness in their lives, no matter how busy. She recommends that people be flexible with their workouts and that it is ok to have days with shorter sessions. Jennifer believes that even a 20 minute workout session can make a difference and she encourages people to make time for it. She follows a balanced diet and regular exercise routine to stay fit and healthy.

4. Keep Workouts Fresh

Doing the same workout repeatedly can have you feeling bored and looking for a change. So call a trainer or try a new workout class to switch up your workout routine. Jennifer continually switches up her workouts to have her body and mind challenged, and her results show that this works!

5. Live Life in Moderation

We all have the foods that we crave, some that even haunt our mind throughout the day, but if it is off your diet then it is forbidden. Stop depriving yourself and use self-control. If you really want a piece of cheesecake, stop salivating and have a small piece. If you live life in moderation, you will be happier, healthier and have better control of your life. Jennifer lives by this motto and it is a key to her balance.

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6. Listen to Your Body

On days when you are just not feeling like working out, maybe it is time to just listen to your body. Jennifer has her good days and bad days, just like all of us, but on the days when she is exhausted, she takes a break from her workouts. To reach your fitness goals, you should follow this practice too, and it will motivate you to work out harder day to day!

7. Enjoy Your Life

Jennifer has been through a lot personally and professionally, but this has not held her back in her fitness. At 45 years old, she looks better than most people will ever look in their lives, regardless of age, and her personality is just as amazing. So what is the lesson we can all learn? Enjoy your life and find balance to achieve your best fitness level!

With all these great fitness tips from Jennifer Aniston, you better get working out. Do you follow any of these tips already? And if you do, please share, I would love to know how you stay fit and fabulous too!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love Jennifer ! She is my favorite actress & she looks greaaat!

She does look really good for her age

This is awesome

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