This is What Fit Bodies Look like ...


This is What Fit Bodies Look like ...
This is What Fit Bodies Look like ...

Sure, we've all seen the svelte, muscular, barely-any-body-fat photos of our favorite fitness icons, but did you know that those types of bodies aren't the only fit ones? Fit bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and to show you what I mean, here are some examples of what fit bodies can look like, and - gasp! - not all of them are what you'd expect.

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Chantae McMillan

Chantae McMillan Now this is the type of body most of us think of when we hear the word "fit." But let's see some other examples, shall we?


Amanda Bingson

Amanda Bingson Also on one of the ESPN Bodies covers for 2015 is this mega-fit Olympian. Amanda's not teensy-tiny, but she's fit and fabulous and formidable.


Venus Williams

Venus Williams Curvy, muscular, and oh-so-fit, Venus has a rockin' body that any woman would envy, in a bodycon dress or on the court.


Jessamyn Stanley

Jessamyn Stanley This yoga instructor proves that fit bodies aren't necessarily thin ones; they come in all shapes, sizes... and poses. She nailed it!


Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland Again, this is what we assume a fit body would look like, but the brilliant Misty Copeland's body isn't typical of a ballerina, and that's just fine. Blaze those trails, Misty!

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Instagram User SomewhereUnderWater

Instagram User SomewhereUnderWater I've got a total woman crush on this Instagram user, who posted this collage of photos, all of her marvelously fit body, to demonstrate that everyone, and she means EVERYONE, has that wee little roll when they sit down and bend toward their knees.


Kimberly Henderson

Kimberly Henderson Hailed for her perfect post-4-kids body, Kimberly recently shared this photo, which shows her tiger-striped tummy in all its unretouched glory. She's still perfectly fit - but guess what? This is what her body looks like, underneath those gym clothes.

Fit bodies come in all shapes and sizes, so I've given up judging books by their covers and have embraced my runner's body, with thick, muscular thighs and no discernible thigh gap. What's your fit body surprise?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

well athletes and a mom. Who by the way the "fat" is loose skin..

Loving misty's body. That yoga woman looks strong and fit.

Not to intrude but from what I have read, the body can be fit with some extra fat, it's just the muscle forms underneath everything. Making the body appear to be "unfit".

Referring to the person who said only #1 is fit... Are you serious? Last time I checked it takes a serious amount of stamina, strength, and flexibility to be not only a professional ballerina but a principal dancer for the most prominent ballet company in the country. For anyone to say she's not fit is truly absurd. also, Venus Williams is a professional athlete who is very active so who's to say she's not fit either? The rest of them, who are we to judge another woman based off a picture. I mean my goodness, as women we really should try to be better to one another. We don't know them, how they live, or what their actual health looks like. It IS possible to be curvy or have some fat and still be healthy. Whether they are or not, who cares. Stop putting each other down, it was clearly supposed to be a positive post about differing bodies of women who are at least athletes.

i dont see any fit except for tye first one

You didn't have to completely exclude skinny girls... Unless you're trying to say skinny girls aren't fit

Finally, people have started including all body types in their articles instead of using slimmer figures only. Love it

from what ppl have said that vin diesel and the rock BMI is considered obese but they fit. seems to me that someone has issues with curvy people that they would be considered fat in their book not fit. but that's their opinion just like this one is mines skinny bitches are evil, oops that was Monique's quote

I respect to Kimberly Henderson for having four kids and still looks amazing . She is the fittest one and the strongest one . It's hard work carrying a baby inside for nine month each . I think she takes the CROWN:)

Love the last one. So important to remember that stretch marks and the way your tummy looks after kids doesn't mean you're not fit!

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