7 Ways to Teach Yourself Yoga without Any Experience ...


7 Ways to Teach Yourself Yoga without Any Experience ...
7 Ways to Teach Yourself Yoga without Any Experience ...

If you’ve considered learning yoga, but are a little hesitant, I’d like you to consider some ways to teach yourself yoga. You don’t have to have a professional trainer, though that would be ideal. You can find many ways to teach yourself yoga in the meantime. I may be no pro at yoga, to say the least, but I did teach myself and am not too bad! Give yourself the mind and body benefits of doing yoga, and do it with, or without a teacher. Either way, you’ll reap huge benefits, no matter what you choose.

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Get a DVD

The absolute first tip I would give you in learning ways to teach yourself yoga is to get a DVD, and get a good one! You can’t just wake up and “do yoga” one day. It helps to actively learn from a teacher on a DVD. This might not seem like you’re teaching yourself, but you actually are in a way. Sure, the instructor is leading you, but before you know it, you’ll learn what styles work with you and your body, your time, and what kinds of teachers you like. For instance, my personal favorite DVD is by instructor Kathryn Budhig. She is amazing and I just love her style, and presence on the mat. You can find her DVD Aim True Yoga, online through Amazon.com, or wherever yoga DVDs are sold. If you don’t like this DVD, feel free to find one that suits you better. It’s always best to start out with a beginner style and work to advanced later on. Aim True Yoga contains both types, which is perfect to help you progress.
Cost: $10
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Have Patience

Another tip to keep in mind is to be sure to have patience when trying to teach yourself yoga. You won’t get every pose right, nor will you enjoy every minute at first. However, when you do progress, you’ll feel like a new person, I promise!


Ask Others

If you know other people that do yoga, be sure to get tips from them! They’ll probably be more than eager to help you learn a practice they’re passionate about! It never hurts to ask other people for tips and tricks. After all, that’s how you learn!


Get a Few Books

I also suggest getting a few books from a bookstore, online through Amazon.com, or Kindle, and even checking some out from the library. Books can be a great resource to help you save money and learn at the same time, without taking a class.


When choosing books, look for those with illustrations or photographs that clearly show the postures and sequences. Beginner guides are especially useful as they often provide step-by-step instructions along with the benefits of each pose. Additionally, books focusing on the philosophy of yoga can enrich your practice by deepening your understanding of its historical and spiritual aspects. Remember, a well-rounded self-taught yoga practice is not just about the physical poses but also embracing the mental and emotional balance it offers.


Use Google

Let’s not forget about our biggest tool ever in learning how to do anything these days: Google! Google search yoga teaching tips and self teaching tips. You’ll find tons of helpful information, such as what styles of yoga exist and learning which style of yoga is best for you. Not all yoga is the same, and it helps to know which type you might prefer so you can find one you love.

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Try New Things

I also suggest never trying just one style when teaching yourself yoga. Do many types, whether through online videos or DVDs. You can’t be sure which one you want to actively learn if you don’t try out more than one. Most people also prefer one, or only a few kinds of yoga. No one enjoys them all, since they’re all very different.



My favorite tip for learning yoga by yourself is YouTube. This online resource can give you instant access to hundreds of types of yoga, free videos, and even classes. You’ll find so many helpful tips by learning yoga on You Tube, and it’s one of the most popular ways people are teaching themselves yoga today.

Teaching yourself yoga can be so rewarding, and then, when you’re able to take a class, or feel ready, you’ll be even more prepared. Sure it takes discipline to actually do yoga each day, or several times a week, in order to teach yourself, but I promise, it’s worth it! If you enjoy yoga, did you teach yourself? If so, what tips do you have?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I started yoga from yoga studio app in Apple store.. Very easy to learn.

I started yoga three weeks ago because of an app in the Apple store. I'm able to mirror the image to my tv. There are multiple levels, hundreds of poses and workouts...and I can fill my calendar going forward with friendly reminders of my next yoga session

@janie a yoga mat will help cushion the floor and prevent slips. You can get one fairly inexpensive at Target or Walmart

I'm about to start yoga but do I really need a yoga mat?

Did all this! :)

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