7 Ways Strength Training Can Help You during a Run ...


7 Ways Strength Training Can Help You during a Run ...
7 Ways Strength Training Can Help You during a Run ...

Pretty much every runner who is involved in running races would love to increase their speed, avoid injury and feel less fatigue but easier said than done. If it was as simple as increasing your miles, this is something every runner would do without a second thought. Nothing good in life ever comes easy, So if you would like to quicken your running time and become a more efficient runner, it will take proper running and strength training. And to achieve your goal of quickening your pace while avoiding an injury, strength training can be the golden ticket that you need. So to help you get started let me share the ways that strength training can help you during a run.

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1. Quicken Your Pace

If you begin to strength train and perform compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups, you will quicken your running pace and find it easier to cover your distance. Go the extra mile by integrating a regular strength training program that includes squats, lunges and even free weights. Your body will thank you with improved running results.

2. Help You to Stay Stronger Longer

If you find you are getting fatigued at the end of your run, you may need to add some strengthening exercises into your routine. Strength workouts will help you to feel like a powerhouse during your workout and you will have an extra spring in your step in your runs.

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3. Recover Quicker

If you find that your legs feel heavy the day after a race and you tire out quickly in a run, you may need to add strength training into your current fitness regime. Simply adding free weights and total body exercises can have a tremendous effect on your running recovery time and you will heal to be ready for your next run!

4. Avoid Injury

Take it from me, being injured is not fun. As a certified trainer I work with clients to develop their strength to avoid an injury. And an injured runner is not a happy person. This is a recipe for disaster because without their regular dose of endorphins (happy chemical secreted in brain when running) they will not be a happy camper!

5. Break a Plateau

If you are noticed that your running times are no longer getting better, you need to enhance your training. Strength training is the missing component in your program that can help you to smash records and feel stronger. So get into a regular routine of strengthening exercises 2-3 days a week. Exercises like the dead lift can help you to break that plateau you are stuck on and get you running like the wind!

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6. Make Running Feel Effortless

If you find that your regular runs are becoming a bit of a chore, you need to step it up and do something more. Add strength exercises like the squat hold to build up your lower half and help your runs to feel almost effortless.

7. Break up the Monotony of Just Running

A majority of runners just run on a regular basis. They avoid cross training and strength at all costs because they believe that the only way to become a better runner is to run more. This could not be farther from the truth. If you run repetitively you can put your body at risk for an overuse injury. So break up the monotony and integrate some strength training exercises into your routine. You will be wowed by the results!

Now that you understand the importance of adding strengthening exercises into your running routine. Stay tuned to my other articles as I guide you to be a more effect, efficient, speedy and injury free runner!

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