Try These Ideas the Next Time You Hit the Gym ...


Want to know the things women should do in a gym at least once? If you get to the gym regularly and this is part of your lifestyle, you may find yourself repeating the same exercises. With your gym workout routine in full swing, variety may be lacking and you could be missing out. If your regular routine is keeping you from achieving the results that you want, read on for how you can make a change. Switching things up by waking up earlier for a workout, trying a new exercise class or hitting the weights, may be just what you need to achieve amazing fitness results. So what are you waiting for? Read about the things women should do in a gym at least once:

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1. Rise Earlier

Tired of going to the gym after a long day at work? Well get to bed, sleepy head and rise earlier. If you get your workout in nice and early you will start your metabolism strong for the day, be more alert and have more energy. This is one of the things women should do in a gym at least once. Who knows you may become hooked! I rise early so that I have no excuse for not getting my workout in.

2. Try the Bootcamp Class

Stop being intimidated by the Bootcamp class you see exercising several days a week and take action. Life doesn’t happen to you; you make life happen so try one class. Challenge yourself to try something new and who knows, you may love it!

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3. Bring a Friend

Push a friend to join you for the day at your gym. You will help them to get in shape and you may even wind up with a new workout buddy! There are many benefits to working out with a friend that you can take advantage of if your friend decides to join. You won’t know unless you try, right?

4. Ask a Trainer for Help

As you watch the gym trainer walk around the gym floor, do not be afraid to pick their brain and ask questions. If they are free, most trainers will be happy to help to correct your form or answer any questions you may have. So don’t be shy and ask away! You may even decide to book some personal training sessions after you make a connection and get some help from a trainer.

5. Lift Weights

You know the cardio equipment inside and out but what about the weights? Get over your fears of getting bulky and get over to the weight area. Don’t be shy; there is no weights equipment that is off limits. Building lean muscle is sexy and it will help boost your metabolism, so get lifting!

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6. Meet New Friends

If you are like me, it is motivational to make the gym your home away from home. So get to know the other gym members and employees. Don’t make this a coffee, chat and relax session but exercise hard while you make some new fitness friends!

7. Try a Green Smoothie

Wondering what all the hype is over the taste and health benefits of green smoothies, then try it out at your gym! If your gym has a fresh juice bar, try a shake at least once. This is a great way to test out if you like the shake without having to buy a lot of ingredients. And if you love it, you can then easily make this at home.

With all these gotta try gym girl tips, are you ready to get started? You gotta try these tips at least once!

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Nice article thanks

I've done all these more than once...

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