Stop Making These Amateur 7 Treadmill Mistakes ...


Treadmill running is an effective way to get your workout in and you do not have to worry about outside circumstances like inclement weather. If you are new to running on a treadmill you may make simple mistakes that can affect your workout. You may find yourself holding on when you run, starting out too quick or not exercising quick enough or you if you find yourself walking without an incline you will be missing out on a more effective workout. Whatever mistake you may have made let me help you to iron out the errors and get the most out of your treadmill workout.

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1. Stop Holding on

If you are holding on to the handles on the treadmill for dear life while you run you can be holding yourself back from a really great workout. You are using your treadmill handles as a crutch to help you strut your miles. Take the crutch away and run swinging your arms on the treadmill to make the most out of your workout!

2. What about Some Incline

Add a two percent incline to your treadmill workout to help make this routine more effective and more comparable to running outdoors. And do not hold on to help you with the incline. Swing your arms and let your body do the work.

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3. Don’t Go out Too Quick

You start your treadmill on full blast ahead but as you become out of breath and in oxygen debt, you slow down to a sluggish walk. Reverse this and start it easy. Work your way up to develop speed so you stick with it and do not give up.

4. Staying at the Same Pace

If you exercise at the pace with no variation, your heart rate will also stay the same and your body will not be challenged. In order to see great results, you need to challenge yourself so pick up the pace and give it all you got!

5. Only Walking

You use your treadmill as the way to get your walking miles in but you find yourself barely even breaking a sweat. Pick up the pace, add some incline and even run for 2 minutes of every mile. You will see greater results this way and be amazed at just how much your body can handle!

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6. Not Quick Enough

You sluggishly exercise just going through the motions but putting no speed into it. You figure something is better than nothing but that is just not good enough. To get a workout on your treadmill that is super-effective it needs to be an effort so bump it up to the next intensity!

7. Not Long Enough to Make It Worth It

You exercise for not even 10 minutes on the treadmill because you have a super busy day ahead of you but in this time you barely break a sweat. You are not challenged. In fact you do not even get your heart rate up. Before you throw in the towel and call it a day, squeeze in just 10 minutes more. Or if 10 minutes is all you have for today sprint hard to get your heart rate up and really feel the burn!

So stop being an amateur and run for your heart, health and to better your life and don’t forget to avoid making these mistakes!

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Lol I'm guilty of 5 and 7.... I walk fast up incline for 20 mins, but don't get high enough heart rate --- thanks for the wake up call!

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