Here Are the Hottest Ways for a Woman to Work out ...


Want to find the hottest ways for women to work out to lose weight and have fun? As women, by nature, we often like to work out, socialize and have fun all at once. Nice to get a little girl bonding while you get your sweat on! But, if we do too much socializing and having fun this can sacrifice the intensity of your workout. So how do we get the best workout? Well let me share with you the hottest ways for you to get your sweat on so that you can get in your best shape!

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1. Fitness Classes

Fitness classes at your local gym can be a great way to get in shape, stay motivated meet new friends and have a blast in the process! Experiment with different classes so that you target different muscles groups and try out new workouts. And challenge yourself to push to a whole new level!

2. Bootcamp

Want to get in shape boot camp style without joining the military? Then join a local boot camp class for super effective intensity. Achieve results and be pushed to the max by your instructor. Don’t want to be recruited; enlist now to start the next chapter in your life.

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3. Running

Running is a super way for women (and men) to work out. Check out this video to help with tips so you run quick, light and more efficient. Simple things you can do like leaning forward when you run can let gravity help you do the work. So lace up your kicks and get out for a run!

4. Rock Climbing

Hey ladies, rock climbing is definitely a hot and effective workout that really targets your core. If you are not up for the challenge to rock climb in the great outdoors, look for a local indoor rock climbing gym. You will love this workout and it will definitely break the boredom of your regular fitness routine. So step outside of your comfort zone and try it!

5. Spinning

One of the best ways to train and get a great workout is spinning. Spinning will help boost your metabolism and build the muscles of your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. By building these muscles you will ignite your metabolic rate and this can you get in your best shape!

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6. High Intensity Workout

Follow this high intensity workout because it is a hot way to work out that is ultra-effective. In just the warm up you can already feel the burn, as you begin to challenge your body. This workout is just over 20 minutes long; a short amount of time but a long way to bettering your health and fitness!

7. Tabata Workout

If you want a fun routine that burns a heck of a lot of calories, try the tabata workout. This routine can improve your aerobic and anaerobic endurance. This is super challenging making it even a hotter workout for you ladies. I enjoy it because it is another way to push yourself with quick and effective interval training.

So are you ready to switch things up and try these hot workouts? These really are the hottest workouts to give you a great workout while you have a blast!

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Did a Tabata workout today. They are so killer! Really effective though.

That video about running really helpful

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