Find Your Perfect Workout with These Timeless Tips ...


If you’re trying to work out but nothing’s sticking, you probably haven’t found your perfect workout. It’s a difficult thing to find, but with these tips, I’m sure that you’ll find it. There are a lot of different ways to find your perfect workout, and with these tips, you’ll find a workout that you’re excited to do every morning, whether you’re doing it from the comfort of your own home or from a gym. You’ll find the system that works with you, and with motivation, you’ll want to work out everyday. You may even surprise yourself with just how much you love working out when you’re doing something you love everyday!

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1. Try Classes out

Whether you join a gym or just tag along with one of your friends, most gyms offer opportunities to try a class before you fully commit to it. If you’re looking to try out a bunch of different classes but are a little wary about which class you’ll love, try to get a few different guest passes.

2. Search YouTube

If classes aren’t really your favorite, don’t spend thousands of dollars on workout video programs. Instead, search YouTube for a workout video that you love doing, and then commit yourself to doing it everyday. You really don’t need to spend money to get a good workout everyday.

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3. Think of What You Did as a Child

You loved exercising as a kid, and you didn’t even think of it as exercise! Think of the sport you loved playing as a child and try to recreate a workout that would let you do an updated version of that. Whether you’re playing basketball or dancing, there’s always a way to update your childhood favorite for a new exercise you’re sure to love.

4. Target What You Want to Change

Figure out what exactly it is that you want to change. Do you just want to feel healthier overall? Try cardio. Do you want to gain some muscle? Lift weights. It’s all about figuring out how you want your body to change and doing something about it.

5. Think about What You Really Love

Beyond exercise, what do you love in your day-to-day life? Do you really love music? Try to incorporate a dance element into your workout. Do you really like to read? Listen to an audiobook while you’re on the elliptical. If you incorporate hobbies you love into your workouts, they won’t feel painful.

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6. Get Motivated

When it comes down to it, you need to find the motivation to work out. If you don’t have the motivation, you’ll never want to work out. Until you’ve found the motivation to stick to a work out plan that you love, you won’t love working out, and you’ll never want to do it.

7. Create a Diet Plan Too

You could create the perfect workout plan for you, but if you’re not seeing the results you want, your diet may need to be altered too. If you spend time working out without seeing results, you’ll eventually grow bored of working out. If you alter your diet as well, you’re bound to see results that will motivate you to keep exercising!

Have you perfected your workout routine? If you have, offer up some tips to other girls in the comments!

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Jumping rope!

I go to Curves!

Yoga. All over body workout & stretching. Really improves muscle tone.

"Fitness blender" on YouTube have full body workouts

HIIT - to burn over all fat ;)

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