How to Get Fit While Balancing Your Back to School Schedule ...


As you get back into the swings of things with back to school for yourself or if you are a mom, your children; life can become pretty hectic. Okay life can just become downright crazy. You did not realize how could you had it over the summer until now. With deadlines, classes, demands and balancing everyday life; how will you find time to get your workout in? Well where there is a will, there is a way so let me share with you how with the right balance you can get it done? If you learn to become a master of your time management you will prioritize in the order of necessity and find time for your fitness. Let me share with you my tips because as a mom of 3, runner, writer for AWS, trainer and Bootcamp owner I am the queen of getting it done and so can you!

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1. Plan out a Schedule

Plan out a schedule that includes hourly the tasks you have to do and how to get it done. Make your schedule non-negotiable and include your workout in this time. If you become a master of time management you will get so much more accomplished in your life. You will also stress less as well!

2. Learn to Multitask

If you are a mom and have your children taking the bus daily, why not run while you wait for the bus and make the most of every moment. Or walk your child to school, if it is within walking distance. Learn to multitask and become the master of a balanced life. Yes you can have it all!

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3. Make the Most of Every Moment

If you have an extra ten minutes in the morning squeeze in a short workout or at any time during the day. Make the most out of every moment because we cannot relive today so just do it right. You deserve to live a healthy and happy life!

4. Break It up

Feel free to break up your workout and exercise in the morning for a short segment and then again at night. Elite athletes do it all the time and so can you. Sometimes you do not have time to work out for 45 minutes straight so break it up and get in your best shape!

5. Get up Earlier

Get up at the crack of dawn with the roosters to get your workout in. If you are busy with school and find it nearly impossible to exercise throughout the day, rise earlier and get your exercise session in. Life is all about priorities so if fit is what you want to be and getting up earlier is the only way to do it. You will do it!

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6. Exercise to Your Destination

Forget jumping in your car every time you have to go somewhere, if you are several miles away; walk, run or bike to your destination. Save on energy, gas and get your workout in by simple choices such as this. And get in better shape in the process!

7. Catch Some Zzzzzs

Get to bed early so you can get more done tomorrow. With your jam packed school schedule it is likely you will need this rest. So get to bed sleepy head and rise nice and early tomorrow to get your workout in.

So life is balance and finding time for your fitness is just what you need to do, so are you ready to achieve this? Then get into a schedule and find time to better your health and wellness while you look better each day!

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