9 Exercises That'll Give You a Super Sexy Waist ...


I think I speak for all girls when I say that a smaller and more toned waist is one of our tops wishes. Yes, exercise is hard and finding time can be difficult, but making time to get a workout is one of the best ways to create the body you crave. There are many exercises that target your midsection and help carve the muscles and burn the fat so you can get the look we all want so very badly. Here are some great moves to add to your routine today.

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1. Low Belly Double Leg Reach

This move targets the muscles in your lower belly, which maybe you’ve been missing up until this point. By engaging the muscles all over your midsection, you will have way more success getting the slim waist you want.


This exercise is great for targeting the muscles in your lower abdominal area, which can be hard to reach. It's a great way to get a slim waist and strengthen your core. It's easy to do and can be done anywhere with no equipment required. The move involves lying on your back and reaching your legs and arms out at the same time. You'll feel the muscles in your stomach and lower back working as you hold the position for a few seconds. This exercise is perfect for anyone looking for a sexy waist and a strong core.

2. Plank

The plank might be one of the most effective stomach moves you’ll ever do. Not only does the plank make your entire core work hard for stronger and more toned muscles, but it also works your arms, shoulders and back. Who could ask for more?

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3. Tone It V-Hold

This move requires using fast-twitch muscles. That’s a good thing because this is what helps you tone the muscles in your stomach. This move probably isn’t as hard core as some of the others on this list, but you will definitely feel it working while you do it.


This exercise is great for toning your waist muscles. It requires using fast-twitch muscles which are essential for toning your stomach muscles. The V-hold exercise is not as intense as some of the other exercises on the list, but it is still effective and you will feel the results. It is a great exercise to include in your workout routine if you are looking to build a stronger and more defined waist. Additionally, it will help you improve your balance and stability. You can do this exercise at home or at the gym with the help of a resistance band or a stability ball. You can also incorporate weights to make the exercise more challenging.

4. The Side Crunch

Maybe you’ve heard that crunches are no longer the go-to for a perfect looking abdomen. While they should never be your only waist move, they can have a place in a well-rounded workout. Including side crunches challenges your muscles in brand new ways all the time.

5. Squat to Rotational Press

The reason this move is so great for your middle is because it requires balance combined with twisting that works several of the muscles in your stomach at the same time. As a bonus, this move also engages your leg and butt muscles for a really great multi-faceted move that belongs in any girl’s routine.


This squat to rotational press exercise is an effective way to target the middle muscles and get a super sexy waist. It requires balance and twisting which engages several muscles in the stomach area at once. It also engages leg and butt muscles, making it a great multi-faceted exercise for any woman's fitness routine. This move can be done anywhere and is a great way to get a toned midsection. To do the move, start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended out to the sides. Squat down and twist to the right, then press up as you rotate your arms to the left. Repeat the move for a total of 10-15 reps.

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6. Curtsey Lunge and Curl

Try doing a lunge and really focus on how it works you abs. Surprised? Lunging back up requires balance and core strength, which is why this move is so ideal for whittling your middle. It also works your upper body for a proportional look that you are going to love.


The curtsey lunge and curl is a great exercise to target your abs and upper body. It works your core muscles, improving balance and strength, while also toning your waistline. To do the exercise, start in a standing position. Step your right leg back and bend both knees to a lunge position. Push back up to standing and bring your right arm up towards your shoulder as you curl your right hand towards your chest. Repeat on the other side. This exercise is a great way to get a super sexy waist in no time!

7. Balancing Triceps Extension

If you’ve mastered a triceps extension, it’s time to take things to the next level and do them while you balance on one foot. Again, this requires you to engage your core so that you don’t fall down and continue engaging it as you lift and lower your dumbbell. You are definitely going to feel this one in the morning!


This triceps extension exercise is great for toning your arms while also engaging your core to help you maintain balance. It works your triceps, shoulders, and core muscles, and can be done with a dumbbell or a resistance band. To do this exercise, stand on one foot and hold the weight in one hand. Lift your arm straight up and then lower it, keeping your core muscles engaged. This exercise is a great way to target your triceps and core muscles at the same time, and can help you get a super sexy waist.

8. Side Plank

If you thought traditional planks were good for your waist, just wait until you see the results of adding side planks to your routine. Your best bet is to include both side and regular planks in your routine to ensure that all of your stomach muscles are being worked.

9. Pelvic Scoop

If there was ever an exercise you needed to start doing today, this is it. The move itself isn’t all that hard, but the results will be really hard to miss. You’ll wonder how you ever went so long without doing this move.

Are you excited to whittle and tone your waist? Which of these moves is going to be part of your routine?

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She is talking too much, what exercise???

The woman of the Pelvic thing is talking too much I don't get anything

Kim22 Awesome!!!!

I wonder what bra the girl in the picture is wearing it looks super comfortable

3 and 9 looks the easiest for me lol!

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