How to Get the Lean Thigh Gap You've Always Wanted ...


There is this certain craze about thigh gaps that makes young girls go to crazy lengths to achieve slim legs, but there are much healthier ways to tone the inner thighs, such as healthy cardio routines and exercises for a thigh gap. While I don’t understand this mania, I still prefer that people at least do this the right way without risking their health. So if you are striving to achieve slim legs here are exercises for a thigh gap for best results!

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1. Deep Squat

Squats are perfect exercises for a thigh gap, which target numerous parts of the body including the inner thighs. You can begin by spreading your legs shoulder width apart with your feet flat on the ground and your toes pointed slightly outward. Squat slowly down with your butt out and hold the position for a few seconds before coming back up to the starting position.

2. Slide Side Lunge

Side lunges work the legs and glutes, but slide side lunges in particular target the inner thighs. To do this stand with your feet a few inches apart and keep you hands in front of your chest. Put your weight on one of your legs and gently slide to the side with the other one as you squat down, then slowly bring it in and repeat the process with the other leg. Try to complete 10 reps of these on each leg!


Slide side lunges are an effective exercise for targeting and toning the inner thighs. They are easy to do and can be done anywhere without the need for any equipment. To do this exercise, stand with your feet a few inches apart and keep your hands in front of your chest. Put your weight on one leg and gently slide to the side with the other one as you squat down. Then slowly bring it back in and repeat the process with the other leg. Aim to do 10 reps of this exercise on each leg for best results. Slide side lunges are an excellent way to strengthen your inner thighs and help you achieve the lean thigh gap you desire.

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3. Wide-stance Squats

Make sure to stand with your feet wide apart and your toes out. Position your hands behind your head and slowly squat down making sure that you knees don’t go over your toes. Your position should resemble a plié! Make sure to continue with this exercise for a minimum of a minute!

4. Scissor Raises

This is an exercise which requires a lot of patience and motivation. First lay on your back and position your legs at a 90 degree angle. Open up your legs into a V position and pulse in this manner for a minute without stopping. Make sure to go at your own pace but don’t forget to push yourself harder!

5. Cross-stepping

For this exercise all you need is running shoes and a staircase. To complete this exercise, face the railing of the staircase and cross one leg over the other to the next step and then cross the opposite leg onto the next step, starting from the bottom of the staircase. Continue in this manner until you reach the top!

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6. Laying Leg Lift

Lie down on your right side of the body and evenly distribute your weight. Try to straighten our your legs and stack them on top of each other. Then slowly lift your top leg up and down as many times as you can for at least one minute and repeat on the other side. You will definitely feel this tomorrow!

7. Thrust and Squeeze

To do this exercise, lie down with your arms at your sides and knees bent. Squeeze your abs and bottom, and slowly lift your butt off the floor pushing only with your legs. You should be forming a small bridge with your body without lifting your upper back from the ground.

Targeting only one part of the body for weight loss is impossible, but you can see slight changes by incorporating cardio and toning exercises into your routine. Stick with your workout plan and you should see results in a couple of months! What are some of your favorite inner thigh exercises for a lean thigh gap?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My hips are so narrow, I'd have to be skeletal to see a thigh gap!

Why I can women learn to appreciate their bodies? Your body just need to keep on exercise to stay strong and healthy not lose weight

I don't understand why you would want a thigh gap?!

I see nothing wrong with having a thigh gap. I myself have a thigh gap and I don't starve myself nor do I constantly work on achieving it. If you want a thigh gap, if that is what you feel beautiful, then go for it. We forget to understand that people are different as are their bodies. Some prefer thigh gap and other prefer more meat. It's not like this article is asking you to starve yourself. I think some of you are blowing this way out of proportion.

It's based off hip structure ...?

I'll trade my thigh gap for sturdy muscles any day

I personally think thigh gaps don't make you look healthy..... It makes you look less curvy like a true woman. Embrace your curves!!!

exactly! and through my experience, squars may make you look toned, but they also really bulk up your things!

I am appalled to see this article on here. Thigh gaps have to do with bone structure. This article should be removed. To the author - do your research first before you start talking about something you think you know.

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