7 Yoga Poses You Can do at Work ...


7 Yoga Poses You Can do at Work ...
7 Yoga Poses You Can do at Work ...

If you're feeling stiff and stressed at work, you can relax with yoga. You don't have to get on the floor of your office for everyone to see. You can do a few poses right in your desk chair. Here are a few that Refinery 29 suggests:

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Seated Cat-Cow

If you always slouch, this pose will help your back.


Desk Twist

Try this one when you have an upset stomach.


Seated Side Bend

If you're stiff all over, try this pose.


Back-Bending Chest Stretch

This is great for when you're feeling tired.


Seated Pigeon

This one will help open up your hips.

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Warrior II with Chair

This one will help your stiff legs.


The Neck Roll

You guessed it! This one will help with a stiff neck.

What other yoga poses have you done at work?

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I like your new profile pic. Your really beautiful Holly.

I sit on a yoga ball at work. Very effective!

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