7 Tips for Gym Newbies to Stay on Track ...

Lydia Feb 11, 2019

7 Tips for Gym Newbies to Stay on Track ...
7 Tips for Gym Newbies to Stay on Track ...

As we're just into a new year, there are probably a lot of you reading this who have selected buying a gym membership as your number one resolution for the next twelve months. Going to the gym is a great step towards living a healthier lifestyle, but there’s no denying that the thought of starting out, especially if you have never been before, can be kind of terrifying! Just remember that the gym is for everyone, and we all had to start at zero once! Here are seven tips for gym newbies.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Don’t turn up at the gym expecting to be a completely transformed person within a matter of weeks. You will be disheartened and give up if you don’t meet crazy targets straight away, so set realistic goals and celebrate the small milestones along the way. Slow and steady wins the race!

2. Personal Trainer

Don’t be afraid to enlist the help and services of a personal trainer. They are there to help you get to grips with all of the equipment and set up a routine that is both achievable and beneficial for your specific needs.

3. Treadmill

The treadmill is always a good place to start for a gym newbie because it will help you to improve your cardio and get your body ready for other, more specific challenges that the gym can offer in the future. You can start with walking and then graduate to jogging and running, not forgetting the handy incline settings!

4. Guest Passes

Make sure to make the most of your guest passes by bringing friends along to work out with you. It is always more fun to exercise with a pal, and you will be more inspired and motivated to work hard when you have someone to try and impress and be competitive with!

5. Group Classes

Sign up to all and any group fitness classes that you like the sound of. You should treat the gym like the first year of college' sign up to everything and then eventually you will find what you love and you can stick with those classes to keep you fit and help you reach your goals! It’s always fun to work out in a big group rather than on your own all the time.

6. Incentives

Use the luxury features of the gym as incentives for hitting your targets. Treat yourself to things like the steam room or a sports massage when you reach important milestones. This makes the gym a place of relaxation as well as hard work!

7. Comfort Zone

Once you are comfortable in your normal routine at the gym, make sure to test your limits and leave your comfort zone every once in a while. Use some equipment that you don’t usually go on, go up a level in difficulty in some of your classes, these kinds of things will keep you on your toes!

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