8 Things to Know when before Taking a Barre Class ...


8 Things to Know when before Taking a Barre Class ...
8 Things to Know when before Taking a Barre Class ...

Do you need a new fitness routine to get you up and moving? You should consider barre, but there are some things to know before you take up barre. Barre combines a variety of exercises including a mix of yoga, pilates, and dancing. Get ready to move and check out these eight things to know before you take up barre.

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1. Dancing

The basis of barre is ballet mixed with other physical activity including stretches, light weight lifting, mixed with yoga and pilates. Barre places a high emphasis on technique and form. Instructor led classes will help you reach your potential. Understanding what the movements entail is one of the most important things to know before you take up barre.

2. Different Levels

All ages and different exercise abilities are encouraged to give barre classes a try. After taking classes a barre beginner will be prepared for what to expect. There will be terms which new barre members will learn. Some studios offer free trial classes so you can get a feel for the process.

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3. Statewide and Local

There are several statewide local studios offering classes. Besides specific barre studios, you can also find barre at health clubs and at some yoga and Pilates studios. Barre is growing in popularity and is one of the newest fitness trends. More fitness programs are going to start including barre classes.

4. Music

The music that plays during barre classes is fast paced. At over one hundred beats per minute, the music will help keep you motivated and moving. Chances are you won’t hear the same music repeatedly from class to class as instructors like to mix up the music selection. There are also playlists on YouTube and Spotify if you are looking for new tunes.

5. Shoes

Recommended footwear is socks with a grip. There are several grip socks online. Some studios also sell socks for those who need some. Do not worry about exercise shoes as shoes are not worn during classes.

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6. Works Several Muscle Groups

With barre exercise, you will be able to work several different parts of your body. If you are in a class program the instructors will mix up your workouts, which also mixes up the muscles you use and makes your different muscle groups work.

7. Equipment

You can take barre classes or you can practice from your own home. The type of equipment you will need depends on what types of routine you will be performing. For example, if you have space in your home you can even use your own barre bar. Or if you are doing activities including stretching you can get stretch bands. Other common exercise equipment includes light weights, a yoga mat, and balls.

8. Practice Time

Classes can range in time from an hour to an hour and a half. Online tutorials are another option if you prefer to work out at home and want different ideas to try. The better your form, the more comfortable you will feel and your exercise will be more rewarding. Commit the time and patience to learning different positions and then you will be able to move on to more intensive classes.

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