The 17 People You'll See at the Gym ...


The 17 People You'll See at the Gym ...
The 17 People You'll See at the Gym ...

The gym is filled to the brim with all kinds of people, from the creepy to the show-offs. I've experienced it all and I thought, do these people know who they are? So, do you relate to any of these creepy, judgy people below? Take a look!

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1. The 'Try-Hard'

The 'Try-Hard' This guy is definitely into the gym .. and he shows it.

2. Mrs. Judgy

Mrs. Judgy You don't know how to use that machine? Seriously?


Everyone has to start somewhere, but according to Mrs. Judgy, that memo never arrived. She’s the side-eye queen with a knack for making newcomers feel like they accidentally walked into an exclusive club. With every misstep you take or hesitant pause to read the machine instructions, you can feel her gaze burning a hole in the back of your head. Her workout routine includes leaping to conclusions and jumping on the chance to feel superior. Tip: Just pop in your earbuds and drown out the negativity with your favorite power playlist.

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3. The Lost

The Lost They have no idea how to work out … at all.

4. Mr. Cocky

Mr. Cocky He's naked … he's in your face, he's – confident.

5. THAT Yoga Girl

THAT Yoga Girl Yep, you know her.

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6. 'I'm Seriously Working out! Here's Proof' – Aka, the Selfie

'I'm Seriously Working out! Here's Proof' – Aka, the Selfie They have to proof that they are at the gym … their check into it via Facebook isn't enough.

7. 'I Enjoy the Attention'
All. Of. It.

8. That Hot Guy

That Hot Guy The one you drool over all the time.

9. The Pusher

The Pusher it's probably your personal trainer, but they push you – a lot.

10. The 'Case of the Januarys'

The 'Case of the Januarys' This guy never works out … until January hits and it's a brand new year.

11. The 'Model'
No words needed.

12. The Girl You Are Jealous of

The Girl You Are Jealous of

13. The People Who Drag Themselves There

The People Who Drag Themselves There We've all been there.

14. The One Girl That Just Wants to Take Pictures of People Working out

The One Girl That Just Wants to Take Pictures of People Working out They don't actually work out.

15. The Show-off

The Show-off They feel the need to always show off their skills.

16. The Awkward Creeps

The Awkward Creeps Oh yes, they are always there.

17. Most of the Time …

Most of the Time …

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

In our country the gyms r separated which means girls alone and boys alone

This one time I heard someone running so loud behind me and when I looked it was some girl running on super fast mode just to make a snapchat video like really? Lol. She got off 2 minutes later!

Zats so true but I'm not jealous of anyone😐

I hate when girls will sit on the mat not doing anything and they'll tAlk all loud and omg they're annoying

Ha number 15 is Funny

So true


Love it, think I have seen them all in one gym or another, also pretty sure I have been a couple of these myself, definitely not the yoga girl the model or the one everyone is jealous of though lol!

So accurate lol😂

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