You might think you have absolutely no time to workout in the mornings. But there are benefits to starting your workouts early. Getting out of bed two hours earlier than normal can be grueling, at first. However, if you want to reach your fitness and weight loss goals, here are seven reasons women should work out in the mornings.
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1. You're More Likely to Eat Healthy All Day Long
If you squeeze in an early morning workout before work, you'll remember this workout throughout the day. As a result, you're less likely to indulge or overeat later in the day. You know this will undo all your hard work. You'll make smarter choices, such as trading soda and juice for water, and you might trade fast food for a low-calorie lunch.
2. Get an Energy Burst
Squeezing in a workout before work can increase your energy level. You'll be more productive throughout the day, and you're less likely to feel sluggish around the 2 PM or 3 PM hour. Exercise is also a great way to feel energized without drinking caffeine throughout the day.
3. You'll Feel Less Stress
It's no secret that exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that affect our mood and emotions. If you have a high-stress, demanding job, working out in the mornings before work can be therapeutic. It not only increases your energy level, but also improves your mood helping you deal with the days stresses.
4. You'll Jump-start Your Metabolism
If you're trying to lose a few extra pounds, exercising in the mornings can rev your metabolism and increase the amount of calories you burn throughout the day. There are several options for a good workout. You can ride your bike, go for a morning walk or jog, watch a cardio video or do strength training exercises.
5. You Don't Have to Worry about Exercise Later
Like most people, you're probably tired after work or classes. Therefore, you don't have a lot of energy to work out in the evenings. With a morning workout, you can get your day off to a good start, and you don't have to worry about exercise for the remainder of the day.
6. You Have More Free Time in the Mornings
Not only will you have more energy in the mornings, you might have more time to exercise -- of course, this is different for every person. Your evenings might be packed with housework or preparing dinner. If you wake up early, this provides an opportunity to exercise uninterrupted.
7. You Might Enjoy a Better Workout
Even if you're able to work out during the evening hours, it might not be your best workout due to fatigue. In the mornings, our minds are usually clear, and we typically have more energy in the mornings. Therefore, this is the best time for some people to enjoy the best workout.
It might take time to adjust to a morning workout, but once you get into the routine, you'll look forward to getting out of bed in the mornings and getting your day off to a good start. It doesn't matter if you're working out for 20 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour – something is better than nothing. Start tomorrow and see how good you'll feel in just a few days.
What are other good reasons to work out in the mornings?
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