The Best Fitness Blogs and Websites to Inspire You ...


The Best Fitness Blogs and Websites to Inspire You ...
The Best Fitness Blogs and Websites to Inspire You ...

Are you looking for the best fitness blogs and best fitness websites? There is certainly no shortage of blogs and websites on the Internet. So while finding them may have been a challenge five or 10 years ago, now the real work is weeding through all the fluff and false claims to find the ones truly worthy of your limited reading time.

Below, you'll find 10 of the best fitness blogs and websites that don't disappoint. Follow them for science-backed tips, smart workout plans, and the motivation you need to put yourself into action.

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Social Workout is one of the best fitness websites that you can use in order to set goals for your workouts. Both personal goals and group challenges that are centered on a community, where everyone encourages each other through positivity, can be set up. Anything from your workout goals to your diet can be tracked in order to encourage you to further progress in your training progress each and every day.


It was created in 2009 by Darya Rose, PhD, a trained neuroscientist, author of Foodist and former chronic dieter. Summer Tomato was named one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites of 2011. At Summer Tomato, you will be shown how to lose weight for good, using proven methods to make getting healthy fun, easy and virtually automatic. At Summer Tomato you’ll learn how real food and small actions can add up to big changes in your health. Getting healthy and losing weight shouldn’t make life harder, it should make life awesome.

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When it comes to free fitness videos, is going to be hard to beat. There are hundreds of well-shot videos with expert advice on how to perform them safely. You can also follow or develop workout plans by adding exercises to your list of favorites. Whilst the site is lacking in dietary information and a couple of extra features, you’ll be pushed to find a more professional fitness website that offers so much for free.

You can access a lot of the site’s content without signing up at all, although if you want to talk to others on the forums, create workouts and track your favorite exercises, you’ll need an account. Membership is actually very affordable at around $20 for a whole year. This is less than you’ll pay for a month’s membership on some fitness websites. All things considered, Train Online is a great resource. If you have no money, you can still check out loads of great exercise videos.


Michael Arnstein’s recipe for health includes following a fruitarian diet, getting lots of exercise, making time for sufficient sleep, and engaging in positive relationships. His website highlights why eating a diet full of fruits works for him and how it even helps fuel him as he completes 100+ mile races.


Jackie Warner is a fitness expert and media star who has helped thousands of people achieve their fitness and lifestyle goals. In addition to opening a number of innovative brick and mortar gyms, Jackie has also started an online fitness and wellness center known as Eat.Move.Believe.


2015 was certainly the year for Kayla Itsines, turning the humble personal trainer from Adelaide into a global sensation. Through her Bikini Body Guides, Kayla has helped transform the bodies of women around the world. On her blog, you will find useful and realistic food and fitness advice as well as handy tips, such as how to stay healthy through the holidays.


PEERtrainer is an online fitness community of peers helping peers through their fitness challenges. It’s an active site with plenty of discussions and sub-groups, articles, offerings and more. You can also opt-in to their fitness coaching service, which helps you through the most important part of your own program…the motivation factor.


DailyBurn offers tools to help you track your fitness results and manage your daily fitness program. This includes keeping track of what you eat, choosing and recording your workouts and exercise programs, and connecting with others who can share your journey and give you advice. They offer a food and recipe database, nutrition labels for products, and exercise programs that are working for their members. It’s free to join.


Fitness4Her offers a set of specialized resources created by the Fitness4Her team. Resources include a special diet program, an exercise program, a unique way of fitness journaling, and other tools. You must become a member to get access to these tools, but membership is free so you’ve got nothing to lose. If in doubt, check out the excellent blog, which has articles on food, positive affirmations, and much more…especially for women.


Green Drink Reviews is primarily about nutrition and provides reviews of protein powders and “green” nutritional drinks. But the site also has plenty of articles and tips on healthy weight loss, healthy foods, energy enhancement, and natural sexual stimulants. Nutrition should always be part of a fitness program, so we’ve included this site as a great resource on nutrition the natural way.

For many people, finding and sticking to a workout routine can be overwhelming. If you’re not used to working out, you might not know where to start or have trouble finding the motivation to keep it up. Even if you’re a seasoned female athlete, there’s a mountain of new exercise trends to keep up with, from high intensity interval training to functional fitness. Fortunately, a number of fitness blogs and websites have done the legwork for you.


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