7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms to Get You Back on Track ...


7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms to Get You Back on Track ...
7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms to Get You Back on Track ...

Looking for fitness tips for busy moms because you are trying to get back in shape and just can’t find the time or energy? After broken sleep, a day of housecleaning, diaper changing and meals cooked, the last thing on your mind may be fitness, but you need to prioritize your health. To have more patience, energy and better health, the best gift you can give yourself and your family is getting in shape. So here are some fitness tips for busy moms to help you achieve balance in your life, starting today.

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Squeeze in Your Workout when You Can

The biggest challenge for most moms is finding balance in their lives. As a mom of 3, I can easily get lost in all my daily tasks just caring for the children. Be flexible with your schedule and squeeze in your fitness at the best time for you and your busy life. I usually find the earlier the better so it is out of the way and there are no excuses. What else do you have to do at 5am in the morning than workout? This tops my fitness tips for busy moms because flexibility works!


Tote along Your Tot

Do you have a young child that you watch throughout the day? If you are with your child daily, tote along your tot for a great workout. Go for a run with your child happily strapped into a running stroller and add in some resistance training of stroller lunges and squats!


Make Your Salads in Advance

If you prepare your salads in advance you will eliminate the guesswork at meal time. You can make a variety of salads by changing the core ingredients to include nuts, fruit, different vegetables and light dressing. Your salads are a great fuel for your busy life as a mom and your fitness workouts!


Go Mall Walking

Pack up your stroller and head to the mall for a great workout! If you head to mall in the early hours you will have plenty of room to speed walk around since it will be less busy. So move that body to burn some calories with your stroller as your child is entertained people watching!


Pack Healthy Snacks for You and Your Child

Are you busy packing your child snacks for a day out? Do not forget to pack some healthy staples for yourself like carrot sticks, an apple and a Greek yogurt. If you bring healthy snacks along with you, it will be much easier to stay on a healthy track!

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Go for a Family Workout

If you find it a challenge to find time for fitness why not make it a family bonding experience? Get out the family bikes and go for a ride together. Or get ready for a great hike together. Tennis anyone? Find some great sports to make memories as a family together while you better your health! This is a great way to shape your children healthily for the future.


Exercise While Your Kids Are at Activities

If your child is at dance and the door is closed you are wasting precious fitness time sitting in the waiting room. Stop waiting and start working out by getting outside for a bike ride, run, roller blading, or whatever else you enjoy! And when your child is finished with dance lessons you will be complete knowing you utilized your time well by getting your workout in. Life is what you make of it!

I hope these tips have helped you to learn to better balance your life to include fitness. Being fit is a choice we make and it is a choice well worth it because you will better your life today, tomorrow and the future. And as a mom you need to be around to raise your children to be beautiful, healthy, happy and fit! Are you an in-shape mom?

Feedback Junction

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I love the IDEA of running with pushchair etc once bab is born but I know me. The only time that\'s likely to happen is on the frequent occasions I\'m late!! What I need is how to change my \'I\'ll start tomorrow/Monday/next week\' attitude

I need ideas for a workout routine

Love this post! I walk on my lunch break most days and when I get home from the office, we do family walks. I love exercise and after having my daughter, it\'s even more of a priority.

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