9 Poses from Yoga to Get You Flexible AF ...

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9 Poses from Yoga to Get You Flexible AF ...

According to PopSugar, there's a frightening new yoga craze that could end up hurting you. It involves all of the poses you know and love--except this time, a skateboard is involved. You won't want to try these yoga poses unless you're an expert or have some super soft cushions to land on.

1 Firefly Pose

clothing, human positions, thigh, leg, arm,It's hard enough to get your legs straight out on solid ground, let alone on a skateboard.

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2 Wide-Leg Handstand

This is the only thing more dangerous that a regular handstand.

3 Crow Pose

You need perfect balance in order to keep the skateboard still.

4 Grasshopper Pose

How can anyone bend their body like that?

5 Standing One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

The name of this pose is as complicated as the actual pose.

6 Tripod Headstand

It's hard not to hurt your yea when it's pressed against something as rough as a skateboard.

7 Crow Pose Variation

You probably don't want to do this on a hard surface.

8 Boat Pose

This is about the safest pose to do on a skateboard.

9 Standing Split

Now that's impressive!

These poses can be dangerous, so don't try them unless you have a way to protect your head! Which one of these do you think is the most dangerous?

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