I confess: most days, I need a little extra fitness inspiration just to get out of bed and lace up my trainers. Inside me is a lazy, unmotivated girl who just wants to lie around and eat chips... but all it takes is a little fitness inspiration, and I'm good to go! If you're in need of some motivation to ger you moving, here's a little look at what gets me up and out the door (and burning calories).
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Time Flies
Via Womens Motivational Fitness | Inspirational ...
This is my all-time favorite fitness inspiration, because it's so true! Whether you choose to work out or not, the time will pass by... so why not work on you, between now and then?
2. You Only Live Once
Via fitness inspiration
Spoiler alert: you only live once, so do you want to be a fit bad-ass, or something else? It's up to you how you choose to live this one life you have!
3. Beginners
Via In-your-face Poster "Allow yourself to ...
This is so true! No one excels at everything the first time!
4. Six Months
Via Fitness on Instagram: “Have a ...
Six months may sound like a long time, but it's not, especially when you're talking about totally transforming your life and your body!
5. It's Not over...
Via Personal trainer, Gyms, Coaching, fitness ...
As long as you're trying, you're succeeding.
6. Public Vs. Private
Via facebook.com
Actually, you wear it in private, too.
7. Haters
Via Healthy Fitness
Thank you, supporters! Take that, haters!
8. Fatigue
Via You are not a coward. ...
This is almost my mantra for the last half-mile of distance day.
9. Role Model
Via Workout~Dream big and believe in ...
I love, love, LOVE this one! Be a shining example!
10. Every Day
Via Workout Motivation. START DOING!
... but you have to take that very first step on that very first day!
Via Shop online for nutritional and ...
This is you! You are a determined woman! Go!
12. Sticks and Stones
Via Me..
Not that anyone ever ought to have, those bullies. They're just jelly.
13. Easy?
Via The year of ME
Nothing worth having is ever easy.
14. Positive
Via fitspo.com.au
It's all mind over matter, right?
15. Faster
Via Quotes
... and sometimes, faster isn't better anyway.
16. Jiggle!
Via fitness inspiration
I love this one! It's such a clever play on words, and so true!
17. Good Morning!
Via Motion
This could be your life. It could!
18. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
Via 25.media.tumblr.com
The same can be said for looking back. Keep your eyes on the prize!
20. You Can!
Via Be Your best Fitness | ...
You can, absolutely, but will you? YES! Go!
21. Try
Via Forward Fitness - Fitness Quotes ...
So you might as well do your best, right?
22. Strength
Via Make Yourself Unstoppable
It's amazing how quickly your so-called "weaknesses" will fade into the background.
23. Time
Via Motivational Fitness Saying
In other words, Rome wasn't built (or destroyed) in a day.
24. I Wear Black
Via Etsy :: Your place to ...
... for my fat, and my laziness, and my unhealthiness...
25. Magic Door?
Via Cool-Weather Workout Clothes to Add ...
Apparently, the gym has a magic door.
26. Fitness Facts
Via MyBestBadi
This is good to know, and so helpful!
27. Wonder Woman
Via Unavailable Listing on Etsy
Wouldn't this be cute for your first 5k run?
28. Keep Going
Via Inspirations
Thank you, Jillian, for the motivation!
29. Food & Exercise
Via DivineBodies (@DivineBodies) | Twitter
This is so true, and somehow so sad.
30. Discipline
Via Fitness Motivation
I try to remember this when I'm feeling my laziest.
31. Speed Doesn't Matter
Via Health is Wealth, Strong is ...
I love this one! Mostly because I go slow.
32. Don't Quit
Via Health and Fitness
I've cried before. I've even thrown up before. But I haven't quit, and neither should you. Well, okay, just don't hurt yourself.
33. Show up
Via images.search.yahoo.com
In fact, that's when you really should show up!
34. LovE Yourself!
Via Brazil Butt Lift - Brazilian ...
That's what this boils down to - if you love yourself, you have to take care of yourself!
35. Amazing
Via SUPREME BODY — #fitness #fit ...
Nothing amazing just happens, including people. Like you!
36. When in Doubt
Via Inspirational Quotes For Women Exercise
Sad? Go work out. Happy? Go work out. Frustrated, confused, excited? GO WORK OUT.
37. Run Til...
Via Things for My Wall
This is so funny! I love it!
38. Squats
Via Fitspiration
That picture goes perfectly with the quote, doesn't it?
39. Wish Vs. Work
Via Getting My Workout On...I do ...
Oh, this is so true! Wishing won't get you very far, but work sure will!
40. Drop It
Via Built By Squats Tank Top. ...
This is so funny! I want this.
41. The Secret
Via A New Study Says You ...
Victoria's secret, apparently, is running, especially with a friend! If Heidi Klum and Miranda Kerr can do it, so can you and your BFF.
42. Impossible
Via The Hungry Runner Girl | ...
What used to be impossible (me, running a quarter-mile) is now easy. My new impossible? A marathon.
43. Clean Vs. Dirty
Just don't do it the other way around. It won't work.
44. Pink
Via photoshootbloger.blogspot.com
She's not perfect - who is? - but wow, is she fit! I love her!
45. Reasons
Via Juicing Vegetables
These are just a few of the reasons to get fit.
46. Alarm
Source: hasfit.com
Wakey wakey! It's time to get up, get going, and get fit!
47. No Excuses
Via fitness inspirations
None of these excuses will work! Just get up and go!
48. Simple
Via Your Body is a Temple
I've found that if I don't roll out of bed and get my run in, it won't happen. So wake up and run!
49. Skinny
Don't worry about getting skinny. Just worry about being healthy and the rest will happen.
50. I like Me
Via fitness inspiration
I think you will like you, too.
51. Math
Via Its not about the speed ...
Sometimes it's just not about the speed.
52. Mind over Matter
Via pinterest.com
If you think you can do it, and believe in yourself, guess what? Your body can do it!
53. Easy?
Via fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net
This is absolutely true - it will FEEL easier, but it's not. You're just better, stronger, faster!
54. You Are
Via New Balance Running Shoes @ ...
The last part isn't necessary, but that first bit? Spot on.
55. While You Were Sleeping
Via Stuff
Maybe tomorrow, you can run with me, while everyone else is asleep.
56. Why I Run
Via Inspiration
Why do you run?
57. Run the Day
Yeah! You run that day, girl!
58. More Impossible
Via Fitness
Again, same idea, but said a different way. But just as true!
59. Eat Pray Run
Via ❤️ 2 RUN
Kind of like "Eat, Pray, Love" only RUN. Because that's my love.
60. I Run
Via the RUNNER inspiration, inspired movement
I like this play on words, don't you?
61. Busy-Body
Via sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net
Someone busier, someone more tired, someone who's sick, someone who jiggles more, someone who can't go as fast...
62. Pride
Via Running Quotes
Who else is there to impress? Impress yourself, make yourself proud, and you've really accomplished something.
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