7 Tips to Help You Stay Flexible ...


Do you need some tips to help you stay flexible? As we get older, our bodies start to seize up, especially if we lead a sedentary lifestyle (which most people do these days). But by taking some simple steps, you can help keep your body flexible. Try these tips to help you stay flexible, whatever your age …

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1. Yoga

The first of my tips to help you stay flexible is to sign up for a yoga class. If you don't have the time or money for a class, borrow a book from the library, though it's always best to go to a class as the teacher can correct your poses. Other good classes are T'ai Chi or Pilates; any of these will improve your flexibility and help you stay fit and active.

2. Keep Mobile

Do you spend a lot of time sitting down in the same place? Get up frequently and move about, which will help stop your muscles from getting tense. It's important to stay mobile, even if it's only walking around the room. But take the opportunity to go for a walk in your lunch hour, or walk part of the way home from work.

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3. Stretches

When you get up in the morning, do some gentle stretches to wake up your body. It's also worth doing some stretches throughout the day, especially if you spend most of it sitting down. Stretching is also a good way to warm up before an exercise class or programme.

4. Pay Attention to Your Posture

Think about your posture, and you'll probably realise that it's not very good. I'm aware that I have a tendency to slump in my chair, so I'm trying to correct it. Improving your posture is one way to improve and maintain your flexibility. A good way to check on it is to stand looking in a mirror sideways.

5. Regular Exercise

Including some regular exercise in your routine will help keep your body flexible. Do you think you don't have time? You don't need to dedicate that much time to taking exercise; as little as 30 minutes three times a week will do you good. The important thing is to take regular exercise; hitting the gym every once in a while won't have any effect on your flexibility or fitness.

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6. Joints

Your joints start to seize up as you get older, so focus on keeping them flexible and avoiding them getting stiff. Wrists, knees, ankles, hips and shoulders all need working on, so remember to flex them when you have a few moments. Simple exercises like shaking your wrists and rotating your ankles will help keep your joints supple.

7. Seating

Finally, your seating could be contributing to poor posture and making your muscles tense up. If you do a lot of work at a computer desk, get a comfortable ergonomic chair that will support your back. If you find yourself slumping in other seats, use cushions to keep your back straight.

Although getting older may seem a long way off, it'll arrive sooner than you think, and your body does lose flexibility if you don't work on it. But if you make a sustained effort to move your body, you'll be in much better shape as you get older. Do you feel older or younger than your real age?

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Idc I'm always flexible

It's totally true ...I'm doing that now !!

I'm currently taking a kinesiology course and one of the first things we learned was not to stretch out or rotate your joints. Your joints should be tight. The looser they are the more susceptible to injury you are

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