7 Times It's Okay to Skip Your Workout for Girls Who Are Feeling Guilty AF ...

By Cassandra

Every day, I promise myself that I'll work out πŸƒ at least twice a week. And then reality hits. I can count the number of times I've actually gone to the gym this month on one hand πŸ˜“. Even though going to yoga or zumba always puts me in a good mood, dragging myself out of the house to actually do it takes a lot of effortβ€”which in turn makes me feel guilty for skipping out. Again.

If you've ever been through that constant struggle where you can't decide whether or not it's worth it to force yourself to hit the gym, this is for you. Believe it or not, there are times where missing that workout is actually good for you.

1 If You Have a Fever πŸ€’ (and Secretly Feel like You're Dying)

Despite popular belief, there's nothing worse than sweating it out when you're running a 102°F fever 😷. Chances are that you're already feeling drained, so putting your body under more stress isn't the best option 🀒. Give your body a chance to recover before you get back to your routine.

Frequently asked questions

2 If You've Been up All Night and Need Some Serious Shut-eye 😴

When you exercise, your body releases natural endorphins. So that means that sneaking in a quick workout after missing out on a few hours of sleep is okay, right? Even though working out gives you energy, getting a good night's sleep *first* is super important πŸ˜ͺ. How can you expect yourself to stay healthy if your body isn't in tip top shape, inside and out? Catch some zzz's πŸ’€ before you hit those ropes.

3 If You Just Got Some New Ink 🌺

You already know that it's ridiculously easy for your tattoo to get infected if you don't care for it properly. Depending on how huge your fresh tattoo is (and where it's placed), you don't want to put it at risk at the gym, where there are bound to be a lot of germs anyway.

4 If You're Super Hungover from the Night before 😩

When you're nursing a headache, the last thing you want to do is make things worse by moving around too much. You don't want to accidentally hurt yourself lifting those weights. Finally! The one time when you're justified for having an excuse not to get out of bed.

5 If You Already Worked out Back to Back πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

You don't want to overdo it, which is why switching up your routine is crucial. Instead of another session of intense cardio, either go for a light jog or pull out your yoga mat. Trust us; you'll be doing yourself a favor in the long run.

6 If You Just Got a Bikini Wax πŸ‘™

One word: Chafing. Girl, you're already in enough pain as it is. Don't even think about putting yourself through the trouble. This doesn't mean that the gym is off limits. Prevent chafing in your bikini zone by avoiding any machines that increase friction.

7 If You Were Just in an Accident or Recently Hurt Yourself 😨

This goes without saying but you should *never* cause any unnecessary strain on your body after injuring yourself. There's a difference between feeling a natural burn in your muscles after a great workout and pulling a muscle.

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