Are you looking for ways to revamp your grocery list? Cold cuts, white bread, crackers, low fat cookies, cheese, veggies and fruit may be on your current list but should these all make the list? It would be wonderful if you could navigate the grocery with confidence and be certain that you are making the right food choices. As your nutritionist, I will help you do so starting today. Here are the ways to revamp your grocery list:
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1. Fill up with Veggies First
As you enter the grocery store, immediately head to the fresh produce section where you can pick up some fresh veggies. I like to pick up my kale first, next eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, and broccoli. Choosing your veggies at the start of your shopping trip is one of the best ways to revamp your grocery list.
2. Next Fill up with Fruits
After you choose your veggies, pick out all your fruits. I like to fill my cart with apples, blueberries (if they are season), strawberries, blackberries, bananas, and clementine oranges. By making the bulk of your cart fruit and veggies you are already on the right start to a healthy eating week.
3. Next Pick up Low Fat Dairy
Now that you have all your produce, head over to pick up some dairy. I like to choose Greek yogurt and organic eggs. I try to avoid the cheese, unless I have a guest visiting because I know I can literally sit there and eat a block of cheese. This is a weakness of mine so why would I even have this in my house? What are your food weaknesses, or something you could just not live without?
4. What about Some Lean Protein
Head over to the meat section to choose some organic meats. With the controversy over the difference between organic and nonorganic, I like to play it on the safer side. I prefer to choose chicken or turkey as this is lower in fat than red meat.
5. Healthy Grains Should Be Your Next Stop
Now that the bulk of your cart is full and you are feeling good about your choices, head over to the dry goods section to pick up your healthy grains. I usually go to the organic dry goods section to choose brown whole grain rice and quinoa to pair with my lean protein and veggie meals.
6. Avoid the Craving Aisles
If you love chips, why would you even go down the chip aisle? It would be sheer torture to go down this aisle if you are aware you should not be eating this. Feel good about your choices and avoid the chip, cookie and candy aisles. Temptation alone can ruin your clean eating so make the best choice and stay away!
7. And Never Ever Go to the Grocery Store Hungry
The few times I have been to the grocery store hungry, I have wound up with crackers that I didn’t need in my cart. Shopping while you are famished is never a good thing because your cravings at that moment can cloud the reality of your goals. So eat a snack before you make your way into the grocery store.
Now that you have skinny ways to revamp your grocery list, are you ready to get shopping? These tips should help you to get ready to make the right choices and prioritize your health. And as you put your groceries on the conveyer belt to be rung up, you can smile and be proud!