Most of us are at least moderately fit, but there are a select few who are so fit, we mere mortals bow before your sculpted abs, etc. These are probably the workouts you do before breakfast, right? If you want to see just how fit you are, try these workouts and see what happens. If you don't collapse into a puddle of misery and sore muscles (like I did), you're the Fitness Queen. (Note: to see these full-size, just tap the image.)
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Lose Your Love Handles
Source: Error
2. 4 Week Butt Workout Challenge
Source: 4 Week Butt Workout Plan
3. HIIT Cardio Workout
4. HIIT Kettlebell Workout
Source: Effective Training for Fast Results
5. Summerlicious Arms Workout
6. Resistance Band Abs
Source: These 29 Diagrams Are All
7. The 300 Abs Workout
Source: Blast Away Belly Fat With
8. 50/50 Circuit
Source: Cella Jane // Fashion +
9. Makes You Stronger?
Source: What Doesn't Kill You
10. Thigh-Thinning Circuit
11. Double Pyramid CrossFit
Source: Double Pyramid Crossfit Workout
12. Cardio Hard
13. Pause for Some Inspiration...
14. Body Weight Blast
Source: Work Every Muscle With This
15. 30 Day Squat Challenge
16. Gymless Workout
Source: 9 Moves To Lose Your
17. Wednesday Workout
Source: Workout Plan For Your Week
18. Core Challenge
Source: Sweat Salty
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