7 Reasons to Try Wild Swimming ...


If the idea of swimming in the great outdoors is something that appeals, then these reasons to try wild swimming are sure to have you slipping on your swimming costume and phoning your friends to join you. Don't let those horror films about sharks, piranhas and twenty foot snakes scare you. If you're only taking dips in sterile swimming pools then you're missing out. Just check out these reasons to try wild swimming before you completely rule it out.

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1. Adventure

One of the reasons to try wild swimming is the sense of adventure. Before swimming pools and public baths, people had been communing with nature for hundreds of years. You can find some wonderful spots to swim in the great outdoors and see some beautiful scenery at the same time. After all, who wants to be cooped up in a chlorine smelling pool when they can be outdoors with the sun beaming down on them?!

2. Get Closer to Nature

Wild swimming is a great way to get closer to nature and we all know that this can be wonderful for both body and mind. You will feel your mood being boosted as you commune with nature. The beauty of wild swimming is that it's often in secluded spots which are away from the prying eyes of passing traffic. This means it can be incredibly peaceful and relaxing.

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3. Bonding

What better way to socialize than through this great exercise? Wild swimming is a great way to socialize in the great outdoors and it's also a team-building exercise, as you're always looking out for each other and checking that someone isn't in danger.

4. Great Exercise

We all know that swimming is wonderful exercise but wild swimming is thought to be particularly beneficial for a number of reasons. Swimming in cold water can lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as reduce fat disposition. You may have heard of athletes enjoying an ice bath or two and it's not because they like inflicting pain on themselves. A dip in cold water can aid muscle recovery and your body will burn extra calories to try and keep warm.

5. Libido

Wild swimming can actually increase your libido. Yes, that's right. Swimming in the outdoors can help you in the bedroom. Just another reason to grab your swimming costume and find a safe lake, river or coastline to plunge into.

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6. It's for Everyone

One of the great things about wild swimming is that you don't have to be a brilliant swimmer to enjoy it. You do, however, need to go with a group so that you can keep an eye on each other. Even the most confident swimmers need to be checked on as anyone can run into trouble.

7. It's Great Fun

One of the best reasons to try wild swimming is the fact it's great fun. What better way to spend your free time than exercising in the sun, communing with nature and bonding with others? If you're looking for some super spots to begin your wild swimming adventure, check out the following site for some pictures which are bound to tempt you: roughguides.com.

Obviously there are things to be wary of before you jump into any body of water. Look for any obstructions under the surface and check the depth. Tide times and currents also need to be checked if you're on a secluded beach and it's always wise to stay close to the shore. Has anyone tried wild swimming? What tips do you have for the novice wild swimmer?

Sources: theguardian.com, theguardian.com

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