Obvious Ways You're Using Fitspiration in All the Wrong Ways ...


Obvious Ways You're Using Fitspiration in All the Wrong Ways ...
Obvious Ways You're Using Fitspiration in All the Wrong Ways ...

Wondering how to use #fitspiration the wrong way? When we’re starting out and trying to maintain a fitness regime, many of us need all of the #fitspiration that we can get to stay on track! Having material to connect with and aspire to can be a really helpful and motivational tool to use when striving to achieve your own personal goals, but it has to be said that there are occasions when #fitspiration can be used in the wrong way. There are so many pictures and videos out there containing the hashtag that sometimes, more often than you might think, the wrong ones go viral and the wrong kinds of habits are picked up by people like us who don’t know right from wrong. Here's how to use #fitspiration the wrong way.

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1. Replicating Poor Form

Poor form is just one answer for how to use #fitspiration the wrong way. Just because a picture looks the part, it doesn’t always mean that it is full of good advice. If you find a post that inspires you, you will try to copy it, but if that photo contains a person doing something with bad form, then you too are going to replicate this bad form and run the risk of getting an injury. Remember that anybody can use the hashtag, so it’s always sensible to do your research on the reputation of the account before you start to copy the content.

2. Sketchy Diet Advice

There is a reason that professional nutritionists have to do years of training and study before they become certified, and that’s because the fine balance of nutrition and diet is really complicated! Don’t fall into the trap of fad diets that have been completely made up by so-called fitspiration bloggers. Stick to the classic tried and tested methods. There is no such thing as eating for your gender or eating according to the weather. Be wary of fake diet plans.

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3. Believing Everything

Although you are involved in the hashtag with honest and genuine intentions, that doesn’t mean that everybody is. You should treat everything with a healthy dose of skepticism until you see the facts and figures behind it. It’s very common for some accounts to post incredible before and after weight loss pics with their own methods attached, only for you to realize later that those pictures are not genuine, sometimes not even of the same person!

4. High Expectations

When you see the final products of long fitness journeys in front of you, it can sometimes lead to you have expectations that are too high. You are not going to achieve these drastic results in the short term, so as long as you know that it might take years to get to the level of the most prominent fitspiration profiles, you should be fine.

5. Envy

This is a major problem! If you are starting from quite a bad place and don’t see immediate results, then the images, videos, and stories of other people engaging with fitspiration might serve to work up some envy in you rather than motivation.

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