Rules to Follow when You're Setting Fitness Goals for Yourself ...

By Sabrina2 Comments

There are essentially two seasons, for women at least: the holiday season and bikini season. Now that the last calorie-filled holiday, Valentine’s Day, is behind us, bikini season is in full swing! As you start dreaming of Spring and Summer days to come, you might start setting fitness goals. Make sure you follow these rules when brainstorming those goals!

1 Do: Take Progress Photos

human action, clothing, active undergarment, muscle, brassiere,Watching your body progress is a really inspiring experience. It will motivate you to keep going, because you’ll want the next photo to look even better! Make sure you have a set schedule for these, such as taking one every four weeks, so you stay on track.

Frequently asked questions

2 Don’t: Use Someone else’s Picture as Your #goals

Everyone’s body is built differently, which is what makes us all so uniquely beautiful! But that also means that your “dream body” isn’t always attainable, due to bone structure and proportions. Instead, only compare your current body to your past body using your progress photos.

3 Do: Have a Goal with a Schedule

Unfortunately, you can’t just lose ten pounds over night. But over the course of several weeks, you definitely can! Make a schedule for when you’d like to lose three pounds, five pounds, etc. You can even set up a rewards system, for example only shopping when you’ve lost your goal weight or inches for that month.

4 Don’t: Get Too Fixated on the Number

As helpful as measurements can be, remember that they don’t own you. The more you exercise, the more muscle you gain. Even though you’re losing fat, muscle ways more than fat, so you may see the number on the scale increasing or staying the same. Don’t let this discourage you though! The numbers should help you, not hurt you in your fitness journey.

5 Do: Challenge Yourself

If you feel like a particular workout is getting too easy, try something new. If you aren’t as exhausted after lifting your regular amount of weights or running your typical distance, push yourself a little farther. Taking the easy way out is only going to hinder your success in the end. Celebrate the fact that you’ve overcome your past battles, then push yourself a little further!

6 Don’t: Push Yourself Too Far

There’s a fine like between pushing yourself further and pushing yourself too far. Make sure you always listen to your body before and during your workout. If you are too sore to move, give yourself a rest day for your body to recover. Also, make sure you work your way up, always pushing yourself a little past your limits, but not jumping to the next level.

7 Do: Dedicate Fully

If you really want to attain your fitness goals, you need to be fully dedicated to them. That means being willing to spend money and time for the results you want. It might feel difficult at the time, but it will be worth it in the end!

Fitness goals are a great way to stay on track and monitor your progress. Following these rules for setting fitness goals will help you even more! But regardless of what your body looks like, you’ll have an amazing bikini season as long as you keep in mind that the most important rule is to love yourself. What other do’s and don’ts do you have for women making fitness goals?

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