Fitness Tips for Winter during a Pandemic ...


Fitness Tips for Winter during a Pandemic ...
Fitness Tips for Winter during a Pandemic ...

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have had to change their fitness routine. Nowadays, inside workout routines have become the norm to protect individual health and other people's health and safety. While this hasn't always been easy, many have found a way to get creative when it comes to getting that inside workout. From performing old school exercises to getting innovative around the house, here are the top tips for getting fit while stuck inside:

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1. Create Your Own Home Gym

While we all can't wait until we can go to the gym again, that doesn't mean that the concept of gyms needs to disappear completely from our lives. If you're wondering, "Where is an open gym near me?" you can find one right in your house by creating one yourself! That doesn't necessarily mean purchasing a bunch of fancy equipment online; instead, it means making use of the space you have to get the exercise you need. Incorporate workouts while you are taking care of things around your house. For example, you can do lunges while walking between rooms. Sit-ups or jumping jacks can be done while watching TV. Run in place while listening to the news.

Alternatively, take 30-second breaks from work by performing wall sits. Get your family involved by having impromptu dance workouts or playing an indoor physical game! The possibilities are endless, and you will soon find out that your home is your own personal gym with just a little imagination needed.

2. Try New Types of Exercise

Now is perhaps the best time to try out new things, including new workout routines. For instance, if you have never tried yoga, now is the perfect opportunity to give it a go. Yoga works to improve mental health as well as physical health, both of which are important in times like today. These days, organizations and individuals alike have taken to teaching all levels of yoga online, meaning your new yoga journey can begin through Zoom or Skype rather than in a gym or other similar setting. Even better, plenty of fitness instructors have taken to creating other new general exercise classes online, so the availability of new exercise material is unlimited. You could also try your hand at Pilates, Zumba, or specific goal-oriented exercises, like increasing strength or endurance. Thanks to these online classes, you can learn a new skill while remaining safe, healthy, and socially distant.

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3. Use Renovations as a Means of Exercise

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, you may have had all sorts of plans for home renovation that you couldn't get around to doing. Now it is not only a great time to take care of them, but it also acts as the perfect chance to get some exercise while doing so. Renovations that are great for training include landscaping, replacing flooring, or painting. Landscaping is sure to work up a sweat; flooring requires plenty of squats, and painting will ensure your muscles are firm and up to speed! If you didn't have any renovation plans beforehand, this is the perfect time to look around the house for any potential opportunities!

4. Consider All Aspects of Health

While fitness is imperative for good health, it's important to remember the other parts of having a healthy body and mind. Remember to get fresh air when taking a brief, socially distant walk or step outside. Additionally, ensure you keep up your nutrition by limiting unnecessary snacking and ensuring you receive your daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food necessities. Lastly, your mental health needs attention, too. Be sure to take part in everyday actions that promote mental wellbeing, including doing things that make you happy, taking time to breathe, and expressing gratitude by journaling. These mental exercises will go far for working towards promoting overall fitness.

Fortunately, being stuck inside does not mean sacrificing fitness. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways to keep fit inside your home while getting creative and having fun! The home has become the modern-day gym, full of opportunities to promote fitness and mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any of these fitness tips above will act as a safe and healthy fitness alternative.

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