7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms That Are Having Trouble Finding Time ...

By Tara4 Comments

Need some fitness tips for busy moms because life is throwing every distraction your way? Between kids’ activities, play dates, and other obligations, you just can’t seem to find the time for fitness. Believe me, I totally get it. Motherhood can be crazy busy, especially if your children are involved in a lot. But don’t let this busy stage in your life distract you from finding time for your health. Here are some fitness tips for busy moms to help you find time for your fitness and health:

1 Exercise Bright and Early

If your little one rises every day at 7, why not wake up a wee bit earlier to squeeze in your workout? As hard as it is to get up, once you wake up, you never regret it. This is especially the case after you finish your workout and feel accomplished. And you will have more energy, feel great and better your health. Waking up earlier is one of the best fitness tips for busy moms!

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2 Squeeze Your Workout in at Nap Time

Having a 22 month old boy and two daughters in need of attention (and of course deserving) means I am very busy. I can always find time for fitness during my boy's nap time, so once I put the baby down, I rush to workout! Even if he naps for just an hour I still get an intense exercise workout in and I feel great as a result. Find time for your fitness, busy mom!

3 Bring along Your Little One

Running strollers are great for your outdoor runs or speed walks, so get out and get moving to enjoy the great outdoors while getting in your workout! I usually get the best workout solo but when I am in a jam, I can run with the stroller. If your children are older, bring them along to exercise with you and teach them what you know. You will be a great health role model by doing so!

4 Head to the Mall

Not feeling an intense workout just yet? Why not head to the mall and mall walk your way to a leaner and firm body? From this beginner level you can work your way up to a more intense routine. Rome was not built in a day and your body will not be in shape in a day either so take it step by step!

5 Exercise at the Playground

If your little one is of playground age, why not take your workout to the playground? You can get your workout in while your little ones play and it is a “win win” for all!

6 Check out Mom and Me DVDs

Check out the vast array of workout DVDs of “mom and me” so that you can exercise with your baby right from your home. This is especially helpful in the winter when you want to shelter your baby from excessive gym germs.

7 Get into Your Routine

Try to exercise during the same timeframe each day if possible to establish a routine. If you do anything for 30 days straight it will become habitual and you will actually start to crave this. Make fitness part of your daily routine so this is a healthy craving you will need!

Any time of the day can work for your fitness but make sure you get into a regular routine and always find time for fitness! Your wellness is a priority and you will have more energy for your little tike. So how will you start exercising and integrate exercise into your busy mom schedule?

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