If you are just about to set out on a new lifestyle and fitness journey, then you will probably, and understandably, be concerned about just how much your new choices are going to cost you in the long run. Being a fitness freak can indeed bite into your wallet hard if you aren’t savvy about it, but if you know which tips and tricks to employ, getting in shape doesn’t have to mean slimming down your bank account as well as your waistline! If you save some money along your fitness journey, you will be able to treat yourself to nice gift when you reach your goal weight! Here are some suggestions for how to be fit and frugal!
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1. Free Exercise
You don’t have to be signed up to a gym to partake in effective exercise. You can run in the park, you can construct circuit training using things from your own home, the sky is pretty much the limit! Of course, going online and looking at places like YouTube where there are basically thousands of completely free to view workout classes is the best course of action.
2. Cheap Vitamin Boost
Don’t pay over the odds for small punnets of fresh fruits that might off quickly. Instead, look at the frozen aisles in your supermarket and you will find a plethora of frozen fruit and veg options that will last for much longer in your freezer. You are free to buy in bulk and take things out to defrost when you know that you are going to need them. Most vegetables can be thrown in a steamer or to boil straight from frozen so there is nothing to lose!
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3. Discount Active Wear
Having a great set of active wear can not only help you work out better but it will also motivate you to get it on and get out there. Of course, sometimes those garments come with a high price tag, but if you know where to look then you can pick up some great deals. Rather than going to all the obvious stores for your active wear, look online in some of the lesser known corners of the internet and you will be surprised by how much money you can save on basically the same garments!
4. Free Class Trials
Lots of gyms offer free classes to people who are willing to sign up to this and sign up to that. If you are savvy about remembering what you have put your name to, then you can enjoy lots of great free classes without ever having to pay a penny. All you need to do is get used to setting reminders in your phone for when it is time to cancel that trial membership before your direct debit kicks in!
5. WALK!
If your commute to work is within a sensible walking distance, then make the effort to do that instead of driving or taking public transport. This is probably the easiest form of exercise to add into a busy schedule, because you are completing it whilst moving toward your other responsibilities. You don’t have to carve out special time to walk to work and back, and it costs nothing!